Privacy Policy

At Zippy's we understand the importance of protecting the privacy of our customer's personal information.  In compliance with the current privacy legislation and guidelines, we are committed to respecting and protecting your information. 

Any information that we collect from our customers is used only to support Zippy's operations and we will never sell or rent this information to others.  We value our customers too much to jeopardize our relationship with you.

When you place an order online, register a warranty or submit a claim by via the website the information we request is necessary to complete your request or purchase.  We share only necessary information with shipping companies and credit card processing companies to enable us to complete your request or order and they do not retain your information any longer than necessary.  Contact information needed are used to confirm your request or order or to contact you in the event we have questions or information for you about the request or order.

Periodically we may send out marketing emails regarding promotional events, sales or customer surveys intended to improve our products and services.  If you would like to opt out of receiving these emails, please contact us.  

If you have any questions regarding the handling of your personal information, please contact us by email at